New Delhi: After over five months in jail, the DMK was hoping that Karunanidhi's daughter Kanimozhi would finally get bail. In a reversal of it's stand in the Supreme Court even the CBI counsel UU Lalit told the special court that it does not oppose Kanimozhi's bail plea but at the end of the day Justice O P Saini scripted an anti-climax when he reserved orders for November 3.
Earlier Kanimozhi's lawyer Altaf Ahmed argued that given the Supreme Court order, her own good conduct and Kani's minor son's welfare, court should grant her bail even if it was to impose conditions.
Hopes were raised further when special public prosecutor told the court that 'CBI is not opposed to granting bail to Kanimozhi and 4 other accused.'
The disappointment after the postponement was obvious.
Kanimozhi was heard saying "we have done what we could, what else could we do. It's sad that I could not be home for Diwali but we will continue our legal battle". Balwa too called the developments unheard off.
Politically, DMK sources say Karunanidhi's meeting with Sonia Gandhi does not mean the party will re take it's two vacant cabinet berths.
The berths fell vacant after A Raja and Dayanidhi Maran resigned. They say the party's only focus is bail for Kanimozhi and the legal battle ahead. They also say Karunanidhi staying on in Delhi was purely because of ill health. They also admit that the party is dissapointed that the DMK chief could not return to Chennai with his daughter for Diwali.
While CBI's decision to not oppose their bails brought unexpected good news to Asif Balwa and Rajeev Agarwal, Monday ended on a not so positive note for Kanimozhi with judge saini making it clear that she will spend Diwlai behind bars. What is clear however is that stage is set for the first set of bails in the 2G scam to be allowed on November 3.
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